
At Cambrian, we believe in use cases for the mass market and healthy organic co-evolution. However, with the continuous growth in activity and user base, there's a constant need for additional functionality and the ability to scale rapidly. Scaling Solana with the modular shared security approach, in our opinion, is the most optimal way to retain or directly delegate users and liquidity within Solana itself as well as for the impetus for a new round of crypto industry evolution with the emergence of technologies, mechanics and usage scenarios that were previously unavailable.

At the current moment of web3 development, we can distinguish the following usecases:

  • General decentralized networks: oracles, network keepers, automation.

  • Coprocessors: Decentralized and economically efficient AI output through economic security, private database information retrieval, zk-coprocessors through verification marketplaces, DeFi circuit breakers

  • Creating narrow use cases to suit the needs of individual customers: for example, this could be running Middleware with specific requirements such as the ability to partially encrypt transactions and smart contracts with separation into public and private parts. This could be applicable for financial applications, creating MEV-resistance, and even for gaming (creating fog of war, card games).

  • DePin: Bootstrapping validation networks for complex DePIN infrastructure for usecases with any types of computations, which significantly reduces the cost of creating your own chain and may allow you to compete more effectively with web2 projects in this area..

  • Cryptography: Threshold FHE, MPC, TEE committees - this opens up a wide range of possibilities, including the creation of permissioned bridges with economically secure validator sets.

  • MEV Management: Auction, private RPCs, conditional trades

Thus, Cambrian uniquely enables DAs, shared sequencers, social/gaming appchains and DePIN networks to bootstrap their economic security through SOL restakers. It attempts to not compromise Solana security by ensuring that slashable events remain uncorrelated and independent.

In addition, we would like to mention that a shared modular security model from Cambrian could accelerate a lot of appchain specific use cases by helping to bootstrap validation networks for Solana Permissioned Environments.

Last updated