What is Restaking

Why restaking may be necessary

As we mentioned in the previous Abstract section, one of the prerequisites for the emergence of restaking is Bootstrapping security of decentralised networks. Normally, if a developer has an idea for some smart contract application, he can run it on top of Ethereum, Solana and other large blockchain networks and L2, observe the usage, modify and scale further. But in this case, it's all about consensus mechanisms, which are hard-coded at the L1/L2 level. You can try to find an L1/L2 that fits certain requirements, but there is a problem of Core devs supporting the technology, its security in terms of economic security, fragmentation of solutions and liquidity. As a result, if a developer needs some special mechanics and consensus mechanism - he comes to the point that he needs to start his own L1.

And launching own L1 means that the creator needs to create own token, attract node operators and incentivise them to stay in the chain and cover costs, build own ecosystem to increase economic incentives. In the end, we come again to a fragmentation of liquidity and technical solutions, with different proprietary technologies and mechanisms, of which there are already so many, and many of which are being left behind by the rapid development of Web3. In addition, bootstrapping and attracting new projects and liquidity is becoming more difficult as Ethereum, Solana and other L1s develop, which have a lot of credibility due to the large amount of staked funds and validators among other things.

Therefore, this all leads to the idea of delegating economic security to increase the flexibility, customization, protection and reliability of the consensus.

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