AVS Overview

Security sharing has a large number of use cases, as shown above. At the same time, Cambrian democratizes the creation of new services on top of the Solana blockchain - making it easier to create secure services, which could contribute to the development of the Solana ecosystem. At the same time, we consider Cambrian as a system that allows you to quickly and safely lift services on Solana. A good analogy in this regard is Amazon Web Services. At the dawn of web2, creating highly loaded systems required large capital and human resources: it was necessary to create the right server infrastructure, think about its scaling, fault tolerance, etc. This required long months of development, as well as investment in server infrastructure. With the development of AWS, it became possible to do this literally in a couple of clicks, since AWS offered all the necessary components "out of the box" and by combining these building blocks you can easily implement the necessary functionality. This revolutionized the time-to-market and cost of building high-load systems, which led to an explosion in the number of applications on AWS and the creation of an entire ecosystem.

Similarly, Cambrian is working on creating the necessary building blocks to implement AVS, some of which are immutable while others are interchangeable and composable. These components and processes include:

  • Connecting staking funds to a specific validator or validator cluster via a private key.

  • Orchestration mechanisms between various services and components.

  • The ability to choose and utilize different consensus algorithms and mechanisms (HotStuff, PoA, Pol (PoC), PoWeight, RAFT, Tangaroa, QBFT, IBFT, and others) along with governance models (including threshold signatures) depending on the specific product require-ments. For example, in permissioned solutions, there may be a central regulator with the authority to override, edit, or delete records as necessary. A consortium governance approach with different threshold values or a fully public consensus algorithm could also be applied.

  • Customizable slashing parameters and reward distributions.

  • Mechanisms for dynamically adjusting fee structures based on Middleware parameters: required machine power for AVS; requirements for Solana validator history and stake; the ability or restriction for a validator to participate in other AVS; specifics of tasks performed in AVS (DA, bridge with zk, decentralized sequencer, blockchain, and other use cases).

  • Staking diversification rules: the number of AVS in which a Solana validator can stake and validate, in conjunction with permissions granted by the AVS themselves for validator admission.

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